We know your sort!
You want to see every email
They could only for you
Only you can answer them
You think you'll miss out on something (FOMO)
You boast to others about the size of your inbox
You revel in telling everyone how long it's going to take you to clear the backlog
You shout load when you've reached inbox zero
The effect of this madness is massive
It's a non profit making task
It largely wastes your time
It stops you developing new projects
It stops you from income generation
You are an expensive inbox sorter. Have you worked out your hourly rate?
You could have someone sift through - a post person - just like the old days!
You didn't open all the envelopes then did you?
You just need the emails that only you can deal with.
It's a task for your right hand person, your VA, your assistant.
Just do it.